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Implications of Changing the Fiscal Year End on EPBCS

edited Feb 19, 2020 9:25PM in Planning 5 comments


Exploratory stage of the various implications on systems and process if our organization's fiscal year-end changes


Due to potential future regulatory directives, we are exploring the implications on systems and process if we change our fiscal year-end from June 30th to March 31st. If this happens mid-fiscal year, we also need to evaluate how to deal with the transition year. We currently have EPBCS with all custom built forms, reports, business rules, etc. (i.e. we are not currently using any of the delivered modules). The source system for payroll and other actuals is PeopleSoft 9.2 on-premise.

If any of you have had experience with this, any advice would be appreciated in terms of what we should consider and how long of a timeframe is required for such a change over.

Howdy, Stranger!

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