Discussion List
What is "Include BegBal as Time Period" in Scenario dimension properties?Hello everyone, I am using PBCS and have one question about "Include BegBal as Time Period" under Scenario dimension properties: Is there any document to explain this pr…
Schedule job to run pipeline integration with the flexible pipeline's variablesHello everyone, We created the pipeline with the variables $STARTPERIOD & $ENDPERIOD: However, when we scheduled the job to run this pipeline integration, we cannot choo…
Error when connecting EPM Cloud to HCM CloudSummary: I used the same User/PW for the ERP connection and was successful. However, for HCMCloud I am getting an error. Any help is greatly appreciated. We are on 24D a…
Where do the User Preference - Ad Hoc Options have an impact in the Planning application?Summary: In the User Preferences section, under the Ad Hoc Options, there are several settings like Zoom, Alias, Suppression, etc. However, I couldn't find where these s…
EPM integration Agent from MS SQL to EPM through Virtual Machine is slowSummary: EPM integration Agent from MS SQL to EPM through Virtual Machine is slow Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): 24.11 Version (include t…NarayananS 21 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Suruchi S-Support-Oracle EPM Platform and Freeform
Which role is required to add the parameter for the process "Compute Users with Large ACL"?Summary: We have an specific person for scheduling processes, but he is unable to enter the parameters for the process. Which permission/privilege or role is missing? Wi…
Steps Required to Purge Employees in Production Environment (Go-Live)Summary: Hi, Currently, we are able to execute one scheduled process to purge the employees in non-prod instances (Dev, Uat, Test, Parallel) by using "Purging Person Dat…
How customize the length for the data type Text Dimension?Summary: Hi, I would like to ask, can we customize the length for the data type Text Dimension? For example, set a text box to a maximum of 100 characters. If yes, where…
Multi-Period Loads (One Column) in Data ManagementWe are building an import format in data management that needs to be able to have multiple periods in one column (period column). We are hitting an issue where the POV r…
Having Weekly and Monthly Global Period Mappings Share Period KeysIs it possible to have weekly and monthly global period mappings share the same period keys? I.e., Week 5 of December and Month 12 both using 12/31/24. We have monthly a…
Operational data to EPM PlanningSummary: If we have to source Operational data and forecast demands specific grants, is it possible in EPM? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information)…
Date Attribute illegal data type issueSummary: When adding a date attribute type whichever format, we provide it does not work, and database refresh fails with error "Illegal data type" Content (please ensur…
EPM Integration Agent - Metadata loadSummary: Wanted to know if Metadata load can be done using EPM Integration Agent? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Could EPM Integration Ag…
EPM Integration Agent Write back - Mandatory columns?Summary: What are the mandatory columns a table needs to have during write back for EPM integration agent? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information):…
Use Different Data Storage Types for Metadata in Different CubesWe have two cubes that use time differently. One uses months as the most basic level, whereas another cube breaks months down into weeks, so the data storage type used f…
Oracle Transportation Management data to EPM PlanningSummary: What are the ways to fetch the data from Oracle Transportation Management data to EPM Planning Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Wh…
Clear Budget in budget control cube ERP (XCC_) before loading a new budget dataHello everyone, We are pushing our approved budgets from Planning to Budgetary Control Cube. There are cases where we are supposed to clear Budgetary Control cube data b…
sending email for bursting not workingSummary: Hi . I create the Bursting process for an user. In the first step i created the query bursting in the data model : In particulary the parameters for my the Burs…Michela A. Morgillo 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle General Ledger & Intercompany
How to Set Conditional Smartlist Functionality ?Summary: Dear All, I would like to ask if it is possible to use Smartlists with conditional functionality. Here’s an example of what I’m trying to achieve: Column 1: Inc…
Data Map doesn't support sub var value as a member listSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Hi, For specific design purpose, we have a sub var with the value as a list of members, eg. CC1,C…
Unable to fetch asset details using Rest APISummary: I'm trying fetch details using Rest API (crmRestApi/resources/ Even though I have roles to view Fixed assets from application still count of…
What determines POV dimension order in a Smart View ad hoc grid for a Freeform ASO cubeWe have an ASO cube in a Freeform Planning EPM business process, 14 dims incl. Scenario, Version, Year, Period and Entity dimensions. The order that POV dimensions first…
OFS Account Hierarchies best practicesSummary: Looking for general guidance on best practices about adding in accounts into OFS_Expense Planning or OFS_Balance Sheet Planning. Configuration is set to use out…
How to hide grid when there are no data in epm reportsSummary: We would like to see only the grid that has data and not the grid that doesn't have data. We have 2 sheets in the report having suppression enabled for zero and…
Need to bring the entities selected in prompt to the header dynamicallyIn EPM Cloud Management Report, we have a specific need to bring the Entities selected in the prompt. The Entity dimension is placed in a single column having Multi Sele…
How to make SmartList Column Auto-Fill and base on Account Dimension?Summary: Dear All, I am currently working on a project where I need to enhance a form, and I’ve encountered some behavior I need clarification on. In the "UOM-Processing…
How to round off data column/row in Oracle EPM Management ReportsWe have a requirement where we need to round off the data row/column instead of creating a formula row/column and using the "ROUND" function as we need to utilize the dr…
EPM Integration Agent - Multi Column load not working - unable to use driver expressions for accountSummary: When using a file for multi-column load, we are able to use header row and mention the field numbers but the same does not work with agent Content (please ensur…
How to integrate the detailed tasks level from EPBCS Projects module to PPMHello everyone, I searched EPM OOTB to PPM integrations at the task level in the community and idea lab, but I had no hope. Despite the challenges, I'm hopeful that with…
[OCI] PBCS Cloud- Unable to log in to "Admin Console" due to 2-step verificationSummary: Hello all, I am the service admin for PBCS cloud for the company I work for. However, I just noticed I am not able to get into the "Admin Console". This was nev…