March Monthly Patch Document for Release 19D
March Monthly Patch Document for Release 19DContent
Hi Team,
We were looking at the March Monthly Patch Document for Release 19D, apart from few (2-3) features, rest all features were released as part of February Monthly Patch as well. Can you please let know why the features are repeated in March documentation. It creates a lot of confusion when doing the impact analysis and also requires redundant efforts. How can we get the documentation fixed to reflect only the features fixed as part of that monthly patch and not from the earlier monthly patches as well.
Additionally one feature was released in Feb month - 'You cannot save any changes to the bank account when the bank account has duplicate account owners.' On testing we found that its not giving meaningful error message, which can be easily understood by the users to identify the reason for error. Have attached the testing result. Can you please let know how we can raise this issue to have more meaningful error message for this. Also, now we can see again the feature is present in March monthly patch documentation, has anything updated in this month ?