Item EFF Import through FBDI
I am trying to create Item through FBDI and getting below error -
Conv Item 10(XX_ITEM_MASTER) :
Item : Conv Item 10(XX_ITEM_MASTER), testAttribute - You must provide a value for attribute Test Attribute of attribute group New Attribute 1 associated at the Item data level. (EGP-2775840)
Here XX_ITEM_MASTER is Organization and Item Name is 'Conv Item 10'. The error is coming for EFF Field 'Test Attribute'.
I have passed the Attribute Group Name i.e. 'New Attribute 1' and the value in 'ATTRIBUTE_CHAR1' Column in the FBDI Tab 'EGO_ITEM_INTF_EFF_B'. The data is inserted into interface tables 'EGP_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE' and 'EGO_ITEM_INTF_EFF_B' . The attribute group is non translatable.