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FR and Shared members

edited Jun 26, 2020 8:03PM in Financial Consolidation and Close 1 comment


Displaying the Base (level 0) accounts on a Shared Account Hierarchy



Is there a method to allow me to pull from a shared account hierarchy the level 0, or base accounts, using the FR Web Studio? I have some accounts that are in the Total Balance Sheet-Cash and NonCash hierarchy only and would like to pull those members and the base accounts, but get the shared parents and not the base account

I tried FCCS_Total Balance Sheet-Cash and NonCash, Descendants of FCCS_Total Balance Sheet-Cash and NonCash. 

I also tried FCCS_Total Balance Sheet-Cash and NonCash, Descendants of FCCS_Total Balance Sheet-Cash and NonCash AND System-defined member list Lev0,Account

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