How to derive NEW_COST for Raw Material Consumption For Production Query.
We recently migrated our Oracle R12 to Oracle Fusion. We have developed some custom reports in our Old Oracle R12, we need to develop
it in Oracle Fusion. We face difficulty in finding tables and fields.
Please find the below query which is not fetching the NEW_COST column. The NEW_COST from table INV_MATERIAL_TXNS has no rows.
select c.subinventory_code, substr(a.FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME,4,36) SET_NAME, e.item_number ITEM_CODE,--b.flex_value ITEM_CODE,
c.transaction_type_id TRANS_ID, c.organization_id ORG_ID, c.inventory_item_id ITEM_ID, f.description ITEM_DES, trunc(c.transaction_date) TRANS_DT, d.transaction_type_name TRANS_TYPE, sum(round(abs(nvl(c.primary_quantity,0)),2)) TRANS_QTY,