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WIP Accounting for different Types of assets in Projects CIP Process

edited Aug 28, 2020 10:01AM in Project Management 8 comments


There is Three type of Assets process of CIP with Projects Networking (cell towers), Non networking (Computes etc.) and Turnkey (other assets) For the capitalization Process user is expecting as an i


Proposed solution:

  1. Creating Project Parent Task and child Task
  2. Creating Assets through FBDI, which are from Third party system (D365)
  3. Cost upload with FBDI(ProjectUnprocessedMiscellaneousExpenditureItemImportTemplate), accounted

FBDI interface template (simulate the interface from D365) and uploaded 10k cost lines to the sub projects under each project site through FBDI

For WIP account can I use DR and Account by using the MiscellaneousExpenditureItemImportTemplate with account code combination

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