20C Enhancement: Ability to Change Contact Start Date
20C Enhancement: Ability to Change Contact Start Date in Family and Emergency ContactsContent
According to the 20C documentation you now have the ability to change the contact stat date via Family and Emergency Contacts page. https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/tutorial/cloud/r13/wn/ghr/releases/20C/20C-global-hr-wn.htm#F13851 It says you don't need to do anything to enable this feature. When I navigate to the page I don't see the option shown in the screen of the documentation. I opened an SR with Oracle with they said "The option to change contact start date is designed to only appear on that page if you have "Change personal information" approval rules bypassed." I was wondering if anyone was able to see the new feature and if they have "change personal information" approval rules bypassed. I would think not many customer have this approval rule bypasses especially if they are running payroll.