Populating Tax Automation Global Rules via DM
When creating a new Tax app, how to populate the Rules using DMContent
We are standing up a new tax application. In order to get the necessary forms to populate, we need to get our Tax Automation rules implemented in the new application. We are struggling with this due to lack of in-house training and documentation. We believe we should be able to do this via DM. First, is this correct?
Assuming it is, our process thus far has been to use DM in the new APP/POD and creating a data load rule which uses the existing application as the source and the new application as the Target. We created the data load rule by looking at the Tax Automation form and then designing the rule with the correct dimensions / filter conditions. The rule appears to be bringing the correct data into the workbench and and exports to the target with no errors...but the form does not populate even after consolidation. Also looks like we are not seeing any of the