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Tax threshold based on unit price

edited Oct 6, 2020 5:37PM in Tax & Global 1 comment


Apply tax threshold based on unit price


Is it possible to apply a tax threshold in receivables based on the unit price on a line. For e.g. an invoice consists of 2 lines item A price 3000, qty 2, item B price 10000 quantity 1. 

The tax rate to be applied is 1 % upto the maximum of 50 per unit.

So in this case the tax on the invoice would be 

Item A 6000* .01= 60

Item B 50 (as 10000*.01 exceeds the threshold of 50)

I have looked at using tax thresholds but the basis there is line amount. Which would limit the tax on item A as well to 50 which it shouldn't

Howdy, Stranger!

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