dbbackup (sku B91628) on my bill even though I have terminated the database
I am being billed for a database backup in object storage even though I terminated the database, and I can neither see nor delete this from the OCI consoleContent
I have recently deleted a number of databases from my tenancy. But in today's cost report, I still see backups of this database (product/resourceId = dbbackupfra/**** and cost/productSku = B91628).
How can I delete them so that I can stop paying for backups I don't want or need (and can't seem to use anyway)?
Code Snippet
lineItem/referenceNo lineItem/tenantId lineItem/intervalUsageStart lineItem/intervalUsageEnd product/service product/compartmentId product/compartmentName product/region product/availabilityDomain product/resourceId usage/billedQuantity usage/billedQuantityOverage cost/subscriptionId cost/productSku product/Description cost/unitPrice cost/unitPriceOverage cost/myCost cost/myCostOverage cost/currencyCode cost/billingUnitReadable cost/skuUnitDescription cost/overageFlag lineItem/isCorrection JuJWQ4WiWb/MkATEhNvhLxuPl/CRK7mbDcaAe3LxodBzoKAycaXuZwSP1gyyZZzdLvpNRALqhmR1eBvZJFgAeU86y0nWKePg ocid1.tenancy.oc1..aaaaaaaaipgwoysaccyierea2ypvnnoak2hnx4o4jqfdp2qkmqf4yhbrnf5q 2020-10-04T13:00Z 2020-10-04T14:00Z OBJECTSTORE ocid1.compartment.oc1..xxxx ****.**** eu-frankfurt-1 dbbackupfra/**** 0.0000xxx **** B91628 Object Storage - Storage 0.**** 0.xxxx NOK ONE GiB MONTHS STORAGE_SIZE GB Months N FALSE