Allocation result variance analysis
What's the best way for users determine the root cause of monthly variances in their allocation shareContent
It would be good to get some views on the topic of monthly allocation variances and how users can easily get to the root cause of why their allocated amount has increased or decreased month on month.
As we know the two possible reasons for an increase/decrease could be:
- An increase/decrease in the source amount.
- An increase/decrease in their driver amount.
One method is to build out SmartViews/reports that show the driver amount in a separate row to the expense line so that users can review. The issue here though tends to be security, if a user only has access to their own Business unit, they would not be able to see the total source cost. In a similar way, if the driver value does not equal 100% at the total level, they would not be able to work out what proportion of the driver sits with them.