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Call Fusion ERP BIP report from OIC

edited Oct 14, 2020 2:38PM in ERP Integrations 13 comments


I have created a (working) SOAP connector and an integration to call a BIP report that is available in Cloud Fusion.  The report can be run using the same credentials as supplied on the integration.  However, the integration fails with the following:

Fault String : oracle.xdo.webservice.exception.OperationFailedException: PublicReportService::generateReport failed: user: oicerpint does not have permission to run the report: "/Custom/xxxx/xxxx/xxxxxx"

I suspect the report absolute path, and as such, I have tested various combinations all of which have failed.  I got the path from the xmlpserver job search for the recently updated report, so the path should be correct.

Howdy, Stranger!

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