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Fusion Procurement - EDI Transaction Set

edited Oct 18, 2020 2:19PM in Purchasing 5 comments


Process to generate Format 850 (EDI) for Purchase Order (Outbound interface from Oracle Cloud to third-party)



Kindly suggest the process to generate the EDI output files for outbound interface and the procedure to read the inbound EDI transaction files as per below details

Outbound EDI Interface
Format 850 (Purchase Order) Provides goods or services purchase information to the trading partner. Should not be used to convey purchase order changes or purchase order acknowledgment information.

Inbound EDI Interface
(a) Format 855 (Purchase Order Acknowledgement)
Acknowledges receipt of a purchase order and confirms product availability. Pricing is included but may not always represent invoiced price. Can be used as notification of a vendor-generated order advising a buyer that a vendor has or will ship merchandise as prearranged in their partnership.

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