Tax is not calculating as per Conversion date Rate while creating Receipt for Foreign Currency Trans
Tax is not calculating as per Conversion date Rate while creating Receipt for Foreign Currency TransactionContent
Tax is not calculating as per Conversion date Rate while creating Receipt for Foreign Currency Transitions. It is calculating based on the Transaction conversion Date Rate instead of Receipt creation conversion date Rate. We are in UAT phase and need to resolve quickly, please respond quickly.
1-Oct USD to THB --- 30.91 (AR Transaction) Tax : 1000 USD x 30.91 = 30910
15-Oct USD to THB --- 31.20 (AR Receipt) Tax : 1000 USD x 30.91 = 30910 (it should account to 1000 X 31.20 = 31200).
Customer wants to use Receipt date Conversion rate as there might some benefit to business if conversion rate is less on particular day. This is intended behavior but wants to know anyway we can achieve customer requirement.