Manage Promotion Programs in Order Mgt
Dear All,
Client define multiple types and very complicated promotion programs for modern trade channel.
For example:
1. Point - If ordered qty is less than 1000 and greater than 10, customer will get 1 free
2. Recurring - If ordered qty is less 1000 and greater than 10, customer will get 1 for each 10 qty- example : ordered qty = 50 --> will get 5 free
3. Range: such as: if ordered qty is b/w 10 and 30, customer will get 1 free, if order qty is b/w 31 and 50, customer will get 2 free, etc.
4. 4. Buy 10 product X and 20 product Y , customer will get 1 free Z
5. Cumulative promotion by the time (quarterly, monthly, etc.)