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Need a hybrid VAT validation mechanism for Netherlands Suppliers

edited Dec 10, 2020 6:13PM in Tax & Global 2 comments


The validation should be able to validate the Tax Regn No of all business types


In 20C, we have a new feature to validate the new TRNs (or VAT IDs) of individual businesses Suppliers from Netherlands. When this feature is opted for, we are ending up in a situation where the TRN of Suppliers belonging to other business types like Corporation or Partnership is getting failed. 

This is because in the "Manage Country Default Controls" where we are providing the validation type as ORA_NL_ST_VAT. This validation type validates the TRNs of individual businesses only . The previous validation type ORA_NL_VAT validates the TRNs of other form of business. We cannot use both the validations at one point of time. The configuration do not allow using 2 validations simultaneously on mutually exclusive basis

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