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Forbid in real time the update and cancel for sales order is the delivery line is interfaced with a

edited Jan 20, 2021 6:20PM in Order Management 5 comments



We create orders in OM 21A, and use the standard DOO Task Shipment.
The order lines are sent to shipping (Line status : ready to release, integration status : ready to interface).
We work with an external 3PL and use the Create Outbound Shipment Request to interface the delivery lines with the 3PL.

When the delivery line is : Integration status  = Interfaced,
There are some seeded constraint rules which forbid to update or cancel the order in OM.
The line in OM is in ‘awaiting shipping’ (same status whether the line is interfaced to 3PL or not).

Generally, when we update/cancel and submit some changes in the SO in OM, we are not directly informed about the impossibility to update.

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