load both USD and Local currency to same entity
Is it possible to load both local currency and USD data to the same entity? Historical data is in USD, but future data will be loaded in local currency. I noticed that I can create a data source member and set it to Data Entry and USD currency. Woudl this allow me to load the historical data in USD and then when the switch to local currency occurs we would load to FCCS_Managed Data. Wondering if this would work.
So for example the entity woudl be set to EUR as their base currency. 2020 and prior data is coming from HFM and is only available in USD. I would load that data to the new data source member (I'll call it USD_History). then beginning in 2021, data would feed from the source GL in local currency. I know I would need to zero out the data in USD_History so no balances carry forward to 2021, but will this work?