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Populating Question Responses from Supplier Profile Attributes


This post illustrates how to leverage supplier profile descriptive flexfield (DFF) during the supplier qualification process.


Descriptive flexfield attributes on the supplier profile are used to store additional information about the supplier which is useful for business.

Questions mapped to descriptive flexfield attributes can be used in a qualification area to qualify the supplier. If you would like to get the response from suppliers, then you create questions with the responder type “Supplier”.

However, responses to questions mapped to flexfield attributes may not originate from suppliers. They can be from a third-party system that uses Supplier REST service to set the values. In this case, you can create questions with the responder type “Automatic”. Responses for these questions are fetched automatically from the supplier profile, and are available during the evaluation process. These questions are exclude from any questionnaires sent to the supplier.

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