Unable to Incorporate Applicable Union Code in Business Rule.
Created two Level 0 children under OWP_All Union Code in WFSC cube. And we have a member called 'OWP_Applicable Union Code" in WFP Cube Under Account Dimension having a Data Type as "Smartlist" and name of the Smartlist is "OWP_UnionCode". We wrote an IF condition against OWP_Applicable Union Code in a business rule(IF Conditon was there in Code Snippet section), the business rule was validated without any errors but still we are not able to fetch the value from the IF Condition. Kindly help us with this issue.
Thanks In advance.
Code Snippet
IF("OWP_Applicable Union Code"->"No Property"==1) "CC Rate"=0.5799; ELSEIF("OWP_Applicable Union Code"->"No Property"==2) "CC Rate"=0.0823; ENDIF