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BPM - Approval Subject Line
Trying to include 'Country' code in subject line of 'AddContingentWorkerApproval'.
Subject line: {0}-Contingent Worker Added
Attribute Used: /task:task/task:payload/ns2:getNewAssignmentByTransactionIdResponse/ns2:result/ns18:LegislationCode
After commit, when a 'Add CWK' transaction is initiated, getting below error for the workflow:
Error in task definition.Error in evaluating parameter Exception applying formatting in the task definition. The error is {0} - Contingent Worker Added. The task definition ORABPEL-09500XPath expression failed to execute.An error occurs while processing the XPath expression; the expression is /task:task/task:payload/ns2:getNewAssignmentByTransactionIdResponse/ns2:result/ns18:LegislationCode.The XPath expression failed to execute; the reason was: Namespace prefix 'ns18' used but not declared..Check the detailed root cause described in the exception message text and verify that the XPath query is correct..Make sure that the parameter Exception applying formatting is specified correctly in the task definition.