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18 day Overtime Period FLSA requirement
Firefighters fall into 207(k) exemption of FLSA, which allows for a longer than 7 day overtime reporting period, and also potentially more than 40 hours in a work week. The Firefighter exemption under FLSA 207(k) allows for up to 212 hours in a 28 day period, or some equivalent fraction thereof. We are currently applying an 18 day FLSA period, which allows up to 136 hours worked before overtime is required under FLSA
Biweekly Salary: $3,537.76 Biweekly FLSA Includable Special Pays: $141.51
Salary earned over this 18-day period (sum of ‘daily’ Salaries for each of the 18 days):
Daily Salary (Possibly different rates if there was a salary change)($3,537.76 / 14) = $252.6971/day (In this case, All 18 days at this rate)