Duplication of expense reports while auditing
Hi Team
I have below few questions regarding the expense report duplication process
1. I understand the new duplication check process in 20 B will identify all the potential duplicate expense items based upon date, amount, currency, exp type and merchant name and notfiy the creators while submitting it. The user can still go ahead and submit it. When expense auditor review this, how can they identify the potential duplicate expense items? Is there a way the system can show some kind of warning or some notifications stating that expense items are duplicated?
2. Sometimes users may enter duplicate expense items with some amount variations ( say 50 dollar in one item and 50.5 in another item) with all other attributes same. In this case, the system will allow them to process without a duplicate notification. How to make system call both these items as potential duplicate expense items to the user and auditor. My customer current system Concur is able to identify this. Can we do it in cloud as well?