Fixed Assets - Asset Balances Real Time: Balancing Segment Changes on Opening Balance/Beginning Bala
Fixed Assets - Asset Balances Real Time: Balancing Segment Changes on Opening Balance/Beginning Balance
The Asset Balances Real Time subject area switches Balancing Segment (company) back to the default on the corporate book for all Beginning Balances. Anytime a transaction is processed through the General Ledger, the balancing segment is generated correctly within the subject area. Below are a few of the attributes that come through when the balancing segment is correct:
- Posting Status Description = Posted
- Accounting Class = Cost
- Accounting Status = Final
- Event Type = ADDITIONS
- Source Type = Addition
- Source Distribution Type = Adjustment
Looking at the subsequent Asset Calendar Period following the transaction, the Asset Balancing Segment Code changes back to the default on the corporate book whenever the Source Type is Opening Balance. When I pulled the FA_BALANCES_EXTRACT data, the ACCOUNT_CCID changes though the Event_ID, SOURCE_LINE_ID, DIST_CCID, and DISTRIBUTION_ID all stay the same.