Discussion List
Configurable Attributes to Enrich Fixed Assets Assignment Information To opt-in this feature,Hi Configurable Attributes to Enrich Fixed Assets Assignment Information To opt-in this feature, we have created the DFF at FA assignments, but there is NO BI enabled fo…
How can we Restrict Users to Access data on OTBI/UI, particularly to those projects they assigned ?Summary: We have created a Custom Role to the Senior Projects Managers to view access on OTBI from """How Can Non Project Managers Access Review Project Performance Dash…
How to change the default Location flexfield Segment Label "State segment"?Summary: Hi, For the location key flexfield structure, we have 3 segments: Campus, Building and Room as segment1, segment2 and segment3 respectively. To assign the segme…
OTBI which column is appropriate for only showing the Depreciation account code of AFFSubject Area: Asset Depreciation Real Time The Depreciation Account column displays not only depreciation accounts but also accumulated depreciation accounts. The column…
Fixed Asset - Creating Cross Subject Area without SQLI am creating a cross Subject Area OTBI and having a problem. Fixed Asset- Asset Depreciation Real Time Fixed Asset- Asset Transactions Real Time When adding Asset Tran…Nao-Oracle 11 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Louise Gareau - Support - Oracle-Oracle Assets
Is it possible to combine one Finance subject area and also HCM subject area in a single OTBI reportSummary: Is it possible to combine one Finance related subject area and one HCM related subject area in a single OTBI report. Content (please ensure you mask any confide…Akhila N 17 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Praveen Kumar Akkala-Oracle Reporting and Analytics for HCM
Duplicate rows in Fixed Assets Depreciation OTBI reportWe've created a custom dashboard to view our Fixed Assets Depreciation, based on the 'Fixed Assets - Asset Depreciation Real Time' subject area. We've found that some as…
Duplicate rows in Fixed Assets Depreciation OTBI reportSummary: We've created a custom dashboard to view our Fixed Assets Depreciation, based on the 'Fixed Assets - Asset Depreciation Real Time' subject area. We've found tha…
Difference between Fixed Asset Descriptive Flexfield and Asset Key FlexfieldSummary: As per my understanding, both asset key and descriptive flexfield can be used for storing any additional information. I would like to understand the major diffe…
BI Publisher is limited in Storage?Summary: Does anyone know, What is the maximum volume of gigabytes that can be stored in different file formats? Regards, Content (please ensure you mask any confidentia…
How to display the rate from the rate table in OTBI.How to display the rate from the rate table in OTBI, including the ability to show the rate across up to three dimensions. Using these subject areas: Incentive Compesati…Vinicius Sato 166 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Niladri Roy Chowdhury-Support-Oracle Incentive Compensation
Display location segment Value description in FA OTBI ReportSummary: Hi, in the 3 subject areas related to FA, only we can see the location segment code. we have a requirement to display the code description as well. but I cannot…
OTBI reports using cross of different subject areasSummary: Hi All, Is it possible to build OTBI reports using cross of different subject areas? For example: For Fixed assets, we have two subject areas: Fixed Assets- Ass…
Schedule otbi asset reportSchedule otbi asset report: If you schedule an OTBI Fixed Asset Report will it pick up the current Period if you tick the Use Trigger flag?
Report to reflect latest asset locationSummary: Report pulling through a line per location, even if it was updated Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We currently have an OTBI repo…
What kind of transactions processed by 'Extract Assets Reporting Data program'?Summary: Could I ask what kind of transactions processed by 'Extract Assets Reporting Data program'? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Could…
Can ESS job Asset Register Report combine in one sheet?Summary: ESS job Asset Register ⇒ Asset Register Report split single asset in a single sheet. Is there any way to combine them into one sheet? Version (include the versi…
How to download a detail report containing all fixed assetsSummary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
asset by locationSummary: Fixed Asset report with financial and location details Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): For State/Corporate Income Tax reporting r…
Without Data Access set, how can a Project Manager with seeded "Project Manager" Role view Data ?Summary: Need to know, how can a Seeded "Project Manager" Role assigned to Project Manager for a project can have all the access without any Data Access set assigned at …SRIRAMULA RAJKUMAR 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by SRIRAMULA RAJKUMAR Project Management
Is it possible to built an OTBI report to see the depreciation reserve balances based on cateogry?Summary: Is it possible to built an OTBI report to see the depreciation reserve balances based on cateogry. If yes, from which subject area ? Content (please ensure you …
Fixed Asset OTBI Report - Assets Source Line InformationSummary: Fixed Asset OTBI Report - Assets Source Line Information Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): We are trying to make a OTBI report for …
How to show asset which has been suspended/resumed depreciation in OTBI report?Hi, I am trying to create new OTBI report to show the assets which they have been suspended/resumed depreciation. But I am not sure that which filed and areas should I s…
OTBI analysisSummary: I am trying to extract Asset Location by Asset Number but I cannot find Asset Number as an an attribute to add from any of the Assets the Subject Areas Content …
Invoice date on asset following FBDI upload when blankSummary: Invoice date on asset was set as "Date place in service" when the invoice date column was blank in FBDI. Is this the default value it takes when invoice date is…
SQL query to get remaining life, depreciation for the month, depreciation expense account in FusionSummary: SQL query to get remaining life, depreciation for the month, depreciation expense account in Oracle Fusion for Assets Content (required): Version (include the v…
How to create Formula type Depreciation Method with different Depreciation Rates for different PerioSummary How to create Formula type Depreciation Method with different Depreciation Rates for different Periods?Content Hi Experts, I have requirement to create the calcu…
How to Automate Lease Details Report (LDR) to extract data for all Active Leases in single executionSummary: We are using Fusion Lease Accounting Module, our requirement is to refer data from Lease Detail Report (LDR) to generate output for Lease Plan / Forecast for ne…
How to sync the Oracle ERP Fixed Assets and OTBI? Which all process needs to be run.Summary: Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Version (include the version you are using, if applicable): Code Snippet (add any code snippets t…
What is the Oracle behavior when delete asset?Hi, I would like to know will Oracle reuse old asset number when we delete asset which created from FBDI template and recreate it using same FBDI file? The steps as belo…