Difference between {{ }} and ]
Difference between {{ }} and [[ ]] while calling variablesContent
I have had a bit of confusions with variables defined based on two different syntaxes in different sections of the code. Whats the difference between using {{ }} and using [[ ]] while calling or including variables in code.
Use case {{ }} - Implementing filter criterion in get leads api
"op": "$sw",
"attribute": "Name",
"value": "{{ $page.variables.filterText }}"
Use case [[ ]] - Standard template 21b
<oj-list-view id="odcs-home-visual-navigator"class="oj-listview-card-layout odcs-visual-navigator oj-full-width oj-flex-item oj-sm-12 odcs-home-visual-navigator"selection-mode="single" :aria-label="[[ $application.translations.app.homepage_visualNavigator_title ]]"data="[[ $variables.navigatorDataProviderCustom ]]"on-first-selected-item-changed="[[$listeners.odcsHomeVisualNavigatorFirstSelectedItem]]">
The example itself is not of relevance. I just wanted to know why we are using {{}} in some spots and [[]] in the others. When should we use one or the other?