Problems with icon when generatin app apk
VBCS icons are not being displayed when running the app in a phone, only in the emulator.Content
Hello All,
I am having an issue where the icons in a oj-ext-mobile-navigation-bar-bottom component are not displayed when I run the generated apk in my phone, but when previewing the application in the emulator this issue does not happen.
The snippet attached is the app-flow.json page of my application.
Would appreciate if someone could point me to what I am doing wrong/missing.
21.10.0Code Snippet
{ "id": "expenses", "description": "A new VB app", "defaultPage": "applogin", "chains": { "hideSpinner": { "description": "Hides the application loading screen shown immediately after the splash screen is dismissed.", "root": "hideSpinner", "actions": { "hideSpinner": { "module": "vb/action/builtin/callModuleFunctionAction", "parameters": { "module": "{{ $application.functions }}",