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Content Type doesnt match even though POSTMAN gives the responseContent
We are facing an issue where from VBCS REST API, we are receiving response when its executed using POSTMAN.
The content type in the response is coming as "application/vnd.oracle.adf.resourcecollection+json".
GET https://<hostnam>/ic/builder/design/<object_name>/1.0/resources/data/<boname>?q=subscriptionNumber=7033 and itemRelation= 'ROYALTY1' and sequenceNumber=1 and itemType in ('TOPUP','TRUEUP')
However, when we implemented the calls in OIC REST API to call the VBCS API, we are seeing the following error:
An error occurred while processing the response payload in the target REST endpoint.]]&gt;</nstrgdfl:errorPath><nstrgdfl:instance>&lt;![CDATA[Configured content-type is [application/vnd.oracle.adf.resourcecollection+json] but actual content-type is [text/html]Target REST endpoint response payload processing failed. -- java.lang.ClassCastException: oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument cannot be cast to java.io.InputStre:Application Error"