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Exadata and other software

edited Aug 17, 2021 8:56AM in Database 1 comment


Hello. Hope Oracle team will help me with a few questions about Exadata, because i need it official.
As I understand Exadata is Oracle hardware with Oracle Linux/ Red Hat Linux OS.
So the questions are:
1) IS Exadata trully appliance or it is hardware solution with traditional full OS?
2) Can it be updated like OS from repositories (for example update 1 packet and don't update another), or it can be updated only fully as appliance product?
3) Can we install third-party software on it? The software official supports Oracle Enterprise Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS
4) Are there expected problems on Exadata with installed third-party software which official support Oracle Enterprise Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux OS?

Howdy, Stranger!

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