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Ho to determine why a rule is executing even if members not in FIX


Rule executing for members not in Fix

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we are facing a very severe issue with a BR: we defined a set of members in fix but the rule seems to execute for members not included in the FIX. The issue raised on the latest reporting period, its not happening in prior periods and even consolidating again in previous period is not reprocuding (the set of data are the same for both periods).

The set of members are defined from the expression @Relative("iINTERNAL",0) in the top FIX, but later we clear intersection with the expression "Entity Currency"=#Missing; and this is happening for a specific member NOT in the iNTERNAL hierarchy. We tried to explicitly resolve the relative funciton by putting the members but with the same issue. This is preventing users from having the correct consolidate and is critical. I attached the code and a screen to have the rule rows reference and an excel with checks. currently we reproduced in test, but the isse is also in production.

Howdy, Stranger!

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