What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 21.10
Learn about what’s new in the EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports 21.10 release.
Please refer to the October 2021 What’s New guide to understand the new features included in EPM Cloud Release 21.10: https://www.oracle.com/webfolder/technetwork/tutorials/tutorial/cloud/epm/wn/epm/releases/Oct21/21oct-epm-wn.htm
The following item applies to Reports in both the Cloud EPM Platform and Narrative Reporting:
PeriodOffset function within the Range member selector function:
In Reports, the Range member selector function returns a range of members based on specified start and end members. It is commonly used with the CurrentPOV or Prompts in a Time (for example, Period) dimension to produce a “rolling” report that displays months before and after the “current month” (for example, three months before through three months after the current month).