Category 102
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Scheduling Burst Def in NR via Jobs consoleSummary: Hello, Ref:…
Narrative reporting EPM add drop down date columnThe user wants a drop-down option to select a date in the MMM-YYYY format in Narrative reporting- EPM. I added a "Notes" column to enter the date, but since it is free t…Swathi Sriram-258610 11 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 25.02What’s New in EPM Cloud Narrative Reporting and Reports Release 25.02 Please refer to the February 2025 What's New Guide to understand the new features included in EPM C…Dave Roberts_-Oracle 16 views 0 comments 0 points Started by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
narrative reporting booksHi Team, We have requirement to add member alias for Company prompts in TOC Header in Narrative reporting Books. Right now we can see only POV options in books are selec…
Is it possible to employ User Variables in NR Reports?The EPM Reports documentation refers to using both sub vars and user variables to assign members (chpt 10 - Defining Members). I can see sub vars as an option in the mem…
Options for downloading report as ExcelAre there any options for customizing what's in the Excel document when downloading as Excel. For example, if I wanted to name the sheets something other than {report na…
Show Account Owner Name in Narrative ReportHello, We would like to show the owner's name of an account combination on an Expense report in Narrative Reporting. For example - When we select these values on the POV…
Inserting videos in PowerPoint doclets?Summary: Does anyone have experience inserting videos in a PowerPoint doclet, or it is even possible through Smart View? I'm able to insert the video through normal Powe…
Cannot create books with multiple datasources in EPM Cloud PlatformSummary: The Books functionality in EPM cloud platform does not allow to add multiple datasources unlike books in NR. Please review and let me know if this is a bug or i…
Ability to Create row and Column templates in Narrative ReportingDuring the Hyperion On-Prem days, the FR Studio client allowed users to create row/column templates to streamline the creation of multiple reports using the same rows or…
How to import PBCS report into NRCSHi, We want to export a report from PBCS environment to a NRCS environment. We've tried exporting the report in XML format through the Migration card. When we try to imp…Guntuka VenkataKrishna 13 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Guntuka VenkataKrishna Narrative Reporting
GenAI in Cloud EPM Narrative Reporting – Your Feedback is Requested!We released our first phase of GenAI capabilities in Cloud EPM Narrative Reporting (Enterprise) in our 24.10 (Oct, 2024) release. While we are busy working on the next p…
How to reference another cell for a formulaSummary: I have an excel report that I need to re-create and there is a column that is essentially, (Parts Cost Budget/Revenue)* Actual revenue But when I create a formu…
Is there a way to automatically push an external file into the Narrative Reporting LibrarySummary: A)- The main objective: will be to automatically integrate these external documents into: 1- Report Packages : Meaning integrate documents (Pdf, Excel, Jason, W…
Using Match with CurrentPOV not workingI am using the Match function but not getting any results. We have the YTD option for each month set up in the Period dimension as an alternate hierarchy. I am following…
Oracle Planning Export Data Form in ExcelSummary: When I try to export a Data Form in an Excel worksheet, using the function Spreadsheet Exdport available in the action menu, the values stored at parents levels…
How can I prevent labels from being truncated in pie charts in Narrative Reporting?Even reducing the font size doesn’t solve the issue. I put the screenshot below: Thanks
changing POV in Shared report not reflected in "parent" report using the shared report gridsSummary: We have a set of Shared Report grids used in a "Parent" report to replicate a dashboard. The Years dimension (single member) in the POV was Hidden in all the gr…
Run the report in Narrative Report based on the system dateHello everyone, I want to ask about the report in Narrative Report or Financial Reporting or Report in EPBCS. My report has prompt "Current date" as the selection: My qu…
encrypt attachments using burstingSummary: Using bursting, is it possible to encrypt the attachments either in PDF or Excel in Narrative Reporting? Content (please ensure you mask any confidential inform…
Error with running narrative reports on smart viewHi, my client is facing errors with running Narrative reports through smartview for both epm book and reports. They are able to view reports on HTML and pdf but not exce…
Recommended Approach for Optimizing Reports with Conditional Suppression and Structural VariabilityWe are currently using the same reports for two reporting packages: Annual Report – A two-columnar structure. Half-Year Report – A three-columnar structure with a differ…
Best Practices & Security Setup for Managing Master Templates for multiple entitiesAs I understand it, we are building 7 master templates which would be copied over by different entity owners to create their own reporting packages. Considering the vari…
Can we print the name of the Data source (Cube) in report header?Summary: for example, the reports are connected to the cube named FINCON, in the header it should show the Datasource connection name as "FINCON"Pramila Sakthivel 21 views 3 comments 1 point Most recent by Sabrina Greensea-166456 Narrative Reporting
Reporting the Alias of an Attribute Member (possibly using MemberProperty?)Summary: Hi. We are developing a report that uses the MemberProperty function to display the attribute of a particular base dimension member. The report has the base dim…Peter Doyle - Equator EPM 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Dave Roberts_-Oracle Narrative Reporting
UUID - for Bursting through a business ruleSummary: I am trying to understand where do I find the UUID to run a report via a business rule. Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): Where can…
Need different font color for different Bar in Waterfall chartSummary: Need different font color for different Bar in Waterfall chart Content (please ensure you mask any confidential information): As shown in screenshot, starting b…
Has anyone noticed random member highlighting appearing in reports in Narrative Reporting?Summary: In Narrative Reporting, we've noticed random highlighting appearing in the member rows. There have been no changes to these reports to cause this highlighting t…
Is there a way in Narrative reporting reports to split member name and alias using functions/formulaIs there a way to split the account code and account description (similar for other dimensions with different length eg Mid/Left functions) is there a conditional format…
Financial Reports Migrated, but Aren't Showing Up Under "Reports"Summary: We completed the migration of Financial Reports to Narrative Reporting. However, we noticed that these reports aren't visible under "Reports" where the Narrativ…