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Getting error while downloading larger amount of data in BI Report


We have observed one issue in BI Report wherein while extracting the report output, it only shows total 74701 number of records. After that it shows error as

Exceeded configured maximum number of allowed input records

Error Codes: <span dir="ltr">EKMT3FK5

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Please let me know if anyone has faced this error & how to fix it.

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<script type="text/javascript" src="res/v-TyVMAcXJUHo/b_mozilla/browserdom.js"></script>

<script type="text/javascript" src="res/v-TyVMAcXJUHo/b_mozilla/common.js"></script><div class="ErrorMessage">Exceeded configured maximum number of allowed input records.</div><div style="margin-top:2pt" onclick="SAWMoreInfo(event); return false;"><img class="ErrorExpanderImg" border="0" alt="" src="res/v-TyVMAcXJUHo/sk_blafp/common/errorplus.gif" align="absmiddle">&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="javascript:void(null)" class="ErrorExpander">Error Details</a><div style="margin-left:15px;display:none" compresssrc="res/v-TyVMAcXJUHo/sk_blafp/common/errorminus.gif">

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