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Is it possible to get a separate period for the adjustment period?

Is it possible to get a separate period for the adjustment period? Not merge it into an existing period.

According to data loads in DM are driven by the period key, but it will be merged into an existing period likes below:

ERP Period Month    EPM Dimension

2021/02                2012/02

2021/03     2021/03

2021/03Adjustment     2021/03

There is a period 13 which is kept alone in the ERP GL.

So what we want is:

ERP Period Month    EPM Dimension

2021/02                 2012/02

2021/03     2021/03

2021/03Adjustment     2021/03Adjustment

Our idea is to add a custom dimension "Accounting period", and map it to ERP GL "Accounting period".

The actual data will be handled separately in EPM.

we considered:

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