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Best Practice to Set up Multi-level Branching Questions


This post shares some tips on setting up questions with multiple levels of branching questions.

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First, let us look at an example question that has multiple levels of branching questions.


1. What product and services does your company provide?

a. Office Equipment

                      1. What type of office equipment do you have?

                                   a. Computer Systems

                                               1. Do you carry computer accessories?

                                                           a. Yes

                                                                       1. What brand of accessories do you carry?

                                                                                   a. Dell

                                                                                   b. Lenovo

                                                                                   c. Other

                                                           b. No

                                               2. Do you carry computer monitors?

                                                           a. Yes

                                                           b. No

                                   b. Office Furniture

           b. Commercial Construction Machinery

           c. Agricultural Equipment

 In this example, there are total of 4 levels of questions including the root level question.


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