Amount override - wrong FCCS_Mvmts_FX_to_CTA calculation => BS unbalanced
When the amount override is used, the amount allocate to the CTA account is doubledContent
I'm having an issue with the amount override and I don't know if it's due do a mistake from my side or from a bug and, in this second case, where I can open a SR for a solution.
Let's take as an example the Entity EUHolding in the attached image but, as you can see, this happens also in other entities where I'm using the Amount Override. Then the system is calculating a FX movement FCCS_Mvmts_FX_Movement -57,136 which is allocated to the CTA by the other movement FCCS_Mvmts_FX_to_CTA. The problem is that, for some reason I don’t understand, the CTA account is received the amount doubled: 114 instead of 57. Why is this happening? How can I fix it?