Question re advanced parts search
We have enabled Advanced Parts Search for an implementation we are working on. The only way I can see to default multiple search parameters for a user is if they try the simple search first and then toggle to Advanced. I cannot find a way to save these parameters for re-use unless the user goes through simple search first. Has anyone found a template or a way to retain a default set of advanced part search parameters?
Content (required):
The idea would be for it to behave similar to transaction manager views. Admins set up some fields in parts that can be used as filters, and these fields are defaulted onto the Advanced Parts Search template every time the user clicks Advanced Parts Search. The user could modify those parameters and add new ones. Ideally he could save a set of part filters as a personal search favorite. (again - similar to transaction manager functionality in commerce where a user can create personal queries using a set of pre-mapped filters/columns). Has anyone done anything similar to this with a