TCC Scheduled Script Question
I'd like to know if it's possible to configure a TCC scheduled script to run as I've outlined below. I don't really know how to explain it without writing out an example.
Content (required):
We have a script built that exports a candidate's transition documents, based on when they were moved to the Hired step. The script has three criteria that need to be met for the candidate to appear on the export: transitions completed, employee ID is not null and moved to Hired. The "trigger" for the export is moving the candidate to Hired.
It's quite common that a Recruiter may move a candidate to Hired, but transitions are not yet complete and/or the candidate does not have an employee ID. This means that we need an ample timeframe when scheduling the script so that we can account for all criteria being met before the script is ran. If not, the candidate's documents would never be exported in this scenario because the next time the script runs, the "hired" date will have passed.