IfThen provides incorrect result in combination with conditional formatting/replacement
I have accounts with some UDAs assigned. I'm using text function MemberProperty("Account", "UDA") to pull these UDAs, and then I'm using conditional formatting to replace UDA strings that contain word "ercentage" with a number. Like that (parts of the screenshot were removed):
The result looks as expected: it returns UDAs for all accounts that don't have "ercentage" in the UDA, and replaces the one that has it with number "5". UDAs are pulled in column C.
Then I'm using IfThen formula in column B to check value in column C and put a number into column B:
Interesting thing happens. The formula correctly puts there number "2" that corresponds to "false" result, but instead of expected number "9" (as 5>1) it puts there number "5" - the replacement value.