Member formula changes after DSO ( dense sparse Optimization)
We have couple member formulas that calculates DSO ( Days sales outstanding) and DPO (Days Payable Outstanding). They were working prior to changing to DSO application.Now it is giving us following error:
Error optimizing formula for [DSO] (line 1): expected type [MEMBER] found [STRING] in function [@_PSEUDO]
Error optimizing formula for [DPO] (line 1): expected type [MEMBER] found [STRING] in function [@_PSEUDO]
The member formula we used are following:
For DSO:
IF(@ISMBR("P03","P06","P09","P12")AND @ISMBR("Corporate_001"));
"DSO"="QTD"->"FCCS_Acct Receivable"/("QTD"->"REVENUES_NET"/91);
and for DPO:
/*IF( @ISMBR ("P03","P06","P09","P12") AND @ISMBR("Corporate_001"));