From where that inventory details are captured for the manage shipments window.
From where that inventory details are captured for the manage shipments window when perform transfer order ship confirm stage.Transaction need to proceed between two sub inventories which are relate different legal entities. [[SPIL_CD_PH(Legal Entity 1,Org 1) and SPL_TP_PH(Legal entity 2, Org 1)]]
Content (required):
From where that inventory details are captured for the manage shipments window, when perform transfer order, ship confirm stage.Transaction need to proceed between two sub inventories which are relate to 2 different legal entities, SPIL_CD_PH(Legal Entity 1,Org 1) and SPL_TP_PH (Legal entity 2,Org 2),But in the ship confirm stage there is a section named as "Inventory' and in there has defaulted different sub inventory which is relate to source organization(Refer that screen shots).