Check OIC Integration Running Status
Hi Experts,
I have this scenario in Oracle Integration Cloud, where
Scheduled integration calls --> AppDriven Integration
where AppDriven Integration is a long-running process based on input data size. So if AppDriven Integration is fulfilling the request1 sent by Scheduler Integration and in the middle of the execution, if Scheduler Integration sends Request2 then I want to check inside the AppDriven Integration if the AppDriven Integration status is running then I will ignore Request2 else accept it.
To resolve this, do we have any OIC API call to know the running status of the Integration? I can see Retrieve an Integration - /ic/api/integration/v1/integrations/{id} but when I send "Integration name(Identifer)" for a rest call. ex: /ic/api/integration/v1/integrations/TEST. it is saying "404-Integration Not found" Error but the integration is up and running. Same issue was observed even if I send instanceId instead of Integration name.