Are Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications (ERP, SCM, HCM, etc.) Single Page Applications (SPA)?
Are Oracle Fusion Cloud Applications (ERP, SCM, HCM, etc.) considered Single Page Applications (SPA) and are iFrames in use throughout their UI's?
Content (required):
SPA (Single page application) - WalkMe works by identifying when a page refreshes. If your site is a Single Page Application, it means that the site does not use traditional page refreshes to transition from page to page. If Oracle is a SPA, we'll need to enable the SPA feature to avoid any possible issues, such as WalkMe steps not playing.
IFrames- If there are Iframes embedded into your Oracle implementation then we'll need the iframe URLs so that we can configure your extension appropriately and avoid issues, such as Smart Walk-Thrus breaking. If we don't configure the extension with the iframe URL, then WalkMe might not load steps that are linked to the iframe.