create Neogtiation from Ebs quote request
Organization Name (Required - If you are an Oracle Partner, please provide the organization you are logging the idea on behalf of):Inail Governament customer Italia
Description (Required):create saas Neogtiation from an ebs quote request(RFQ PO). I would need to understand how to map data from a quote request into ebs of which I only have a simple query: SELECT DISTINCT h. * FROM apps.po_headers_all h, apps.po_lines_all l WHERE h.type_lookup_code = 'RFQ' AND h.po_header_id = l.po_header_id and how to create data mapping for the negotiation creation rest service. Then for the suppliers to be imported I would like to know how and which queries to use from ebs R12 for importing suppliers from ebs to Saas Fusion App considering all the data accompanying the supplier (address