Date Parameters for Integrating with PPM and GL BI Reports
Hi All,
We are integrating with BI Reports that pull from both PPM and GL into our Projects application.
We want to pull all data that has "changed" since the last run of the report. Our BI report is setup already so that we need to input a start and end date (start date would be the date of the last reports end date, and end date would be today's date). Is there a way to set this up so that it can be dynamic, either via EPMAutomate or in DM?
The issue we found was that DM will use the End Date of the Period Mappings as the value to put into the report when using the $START_PERIODKEY and $END_PERIODKEY. This meant that unless we changed all period mappings, selecting Jan-22 and Feb-22 for Start and End Period, would pull 1/31/2022-2/28/2022.