How to load Budget amount @Specific Currency from Planning to FCCS?
We want to load Budget info for 1 specific currency across different Entities to FCCS.
But in FCCS this is not in correspondence with the 'entity currency'.
Note! EPBCS is a fully customized development (so no out-of-the-box multi currency engine)
Is there a way to Load data from Planning being EUR to the 'Input Currency 'EUR' in FCCS?
Content (required):
Integration created in EPBCS, Target Application is FCCS
Standard the Consolidation Member is 'FCCS_Entity Input' than the amounts go to 'Entity Currency' regardless of the Currency of the amount.
Against better judgement I have changed this to 'FCCS_Translated Currency Input' ... than the rule Failes stating currency 'EUR' is not allowed.