Compare Aliasname with a Textcell for a large memberrange - [[PlanningFunctions.getIdForString
to perform a selective datatransfer (@Xref logic) from source to target cube (where the location information is in a textcell in the source cube compared to members/aliases in a dedicated dimension in the target cube, we need to compare the textvalue of an account (Location_ID) with the Aliasname of the members in the Location dimension.
[[PlanningFunctions.getIdForString("Aliasname")]] worked good in other situations in this application, when we could hard-code a few cases in an if elseif statement. E.g. IF("Location_ID"==[[PlanningFunctions.getIdForString("FRA")]] )
However now I need to check for approx. 700 Locations - any help on the proper syntax or a completely different approach would be helpful. The system and interfaces are more or less finalized after several months of development, so replacing/adding dimensions, renaming all members/aliases, creating a datamanagement interfaces with mapping tables or adding additional SmartLists or UDAs for each member are probably only the last option, as these locations keep changing.