Condition for an accounting rule
We want to skip a value type if the exp org is equal to 'Økonomi og Regnskab (AØR), (8200) Økonomi og Regnskab (AØR)' :
"Expenditure Organization Name" != Økonomi og Regnskab (AØR), (8200) Økonomi og Regnskab (AØR)
I can't validate this rule. Most likely due the way we spell the organization.
So I have tried:
"Expenditure Organization Cost Center Segment" != 8200
and the HR org is setup as:
This rule fails!
How can I create a condition, where I look at the HR org named 'Økonomi og Regnskab (AØR), (8200) Økonomi og Regnskab (AØR)' ?
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