Allocation to distribute balances in range of products to single target product
All POV values being constant except Dep & Product
Wanted to transfer balances from Dept 'A' , Prod (001-999) to 'Dept 'B', Prod (000)
Source -Dept A, Prod ( 001-999)-----Target -Dept B, Prod (000)
I wanted my source account combinations as above to be my offset also.
Since parent is not allowed in offset we have to have 2 allocation rules.
Rule-1-Formula Based- Taking the balance from above source to Target Dept (B) with dummy Product (ZZZ)
This rule is perfectly working. To offset the balance in Product (999), I have defined Rule-2 (allocation based rule )as below
Product:(ZZZ), Scenario-Allocated, Allocation Range ( All Product Values-001-999), Allocation Basis ( Prod-Total Parent ( 000-999)